Sunday, November 20, 2011

I'd like to be a fly on the wall....

              That has always been an interesting expression. Would you like to be a Fly On The Wall? I wouldn't want to be forever but for a few minutes? On a few different walls? Oh Hell Yea...

              The thing about the fly on the wall is that he gets to actually see us like few people do. He gets to see us before we put our face on. We have so many different faces. Life is a stage and we are all actors and actresses.

              If you were a fly on the wall in the office, yesterday about 930 pm this is what you would have seen, looking at the coffee table between the blue ez chair, and the green chair and foot-stool here in the Man Cave. I pride myself on not being a sneaky guy, but I know even as I create this post that the Mrs. would rather have me post photos of myself, as naked as the day I was born, with nipple clamps, and a neon blue pogo stick stuck up my ass, then to post this photo on the web.

             Now I will admit that this photo doesn't scream order, organization, and extreme sanitation, but I'll bet if I were a fly on the wall in your home or office I might see somethings you would rather not be seen.

             Lets assume you don't know me. What does this photo say about me? Lets break it down piece by piece.... It says I have a google TV, a smart phone, I drink coffee, beer, and probably booze, I use honey, probably in the coffee, I have eaten reese's pieces, have keys with a fuel card attached, I am one of the last people in the world with a land line phone, at least once in my life I drank a bottle of water, I use cox cable, and I don't take every single dirty dish, down stairs to the kitchen the second I'm done with it. It also says I have dry skin, an ugly table, and this little table is used as a catch all.

             None of those things are anything to be ashamed of, none of those things are morally incomprehensible. They are all a testament to my Humanity. I am human, I am flawed.

             So now Lets turn to you, shall we? We will say all of you, and for the most part it's true, but I will admit that one of you in particular is on my mind. What would I see if I was a fly on your wall? In your home of many rooms, what room do you live in, and how does it look in there? Not right after you have straightened it up, but right before you turn off the lights and go to bed.

             See this is an intimacy I want to share. I know it's weird, but at my age, I have seen a lot of things, I have seen a lot of faces, and I want to see the face no one else sees because then I will know you like no one else does.

Just some random thoughts on a Sunday Morning.

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